Autumn in full swing

It really is a beautiful time of the year. Daily walks into the woods by our home emphasise the ever deepening colours of the season.

All the photos below were taken with my mobile phone on a recent walk with Willow.

One day was a mix of sun and showers, and then late in the afternoon the sun broke through the rain clouds creating gorgeous lighting. Photos again taken with the mobile phone. Looking carefully in the first shot the rain shower droplets can be seen glinting in the sunlight - whilst in the other direction a rainbow was in full display.

Temperatures have been varying all week and getting down to about 4 degrees C on some days, even bringing a dusting of snow on the tops of the distant high hills! The two photos below I took while on a run this past week with the snow dusted peaks seen in the far horizon.

The feeding station continues to perform well with more new visitors. This included the first visit from a brambling which was special and has returned on a few occasions - photos taken through the lounge window pane. We’ve also see a number of visits from siskin.

Most exciting was the discovery of a badger set that is not very far from where we live. Having the set so close has meant repeat opportunities to use the trail cam to try and record their nighttime activity. One night in particular brought fantastic results with a screenshot below take from the video. Only a single badger seen in the videos so far - but with the huge sizes and large number of entrances/exits in the set, I suspect there are more family members around.

Until next time …