Sky On Fire

There are occasions in photography where opportunities are missed, and others when the timing is just right! This was one of those occasions when a casual glance out of my home office window at the end of the working day grabbed my attention and resulted in the privilege of seeing the most stunning sunset.

The day had been one of almost continuous rain and low cloud (a typical day in the Highlands of Scotland some might say!) - so it was the furthest thing from my mind to consider any chance of seeing the sun, let alone a colourful sunset.

As the working day came to an end I looked out of the window (facing north east) and noticed some strange blue hues in the clouds. Taking a closer look I saw some wisps of cloud with colour and promptly walked to the other side of the house to view west out of the dining room window and was shocked with the stunning sky!

Quickly running back to grab the camera, change the lens and head outside resulted in the following record of the wonder of creation when it paints the ‘easel’ with this sort of display - wrapping the colours of autumn in the trees with the blanket of autumnal colours across the sky.

It seemed like no time at all, that the colours died away and darkness rapidly descended engulfing the memory of that special moment.

An event so easily missed, if I hadn’t turned and looked out of the window at that precise moment!