Shifting Shadows of Autumn

I thought I was going to run out of time this year to find a window of opportunity with the weather to get out and record the autumn colours, before all the leaves left the trees. After a very wet day yesterday (Saturday), the forecast looked good for the Sunday, so another early alarm and out I went will Willow in tow!

I first headed off to the fields where I train/run Willow, so that I could capture some shots of the sun rising by Windsor Castle on this Remembrance Sunday. A very atmospheric start to the morning with the low lying mist dissipating as the sun rose

I then headed off to Burnham Beeches with the objective of trying to capture some early morning light and shadows.

While walking around the woodland, I had some ideas of what the area might look like with the sun in a different location, so decided I would probably come back in the afternoon after church to see what changes in the shadows and lighting would occur with the sun further across the sky.

I wasn't to be disappointed. With the shorter daylight hours after the clocks went back a few weeks ago, the sun was already lower in the sky and casting new shadows across the woodland.